The last six months have been exactly that. They have been busy, of course, but won't life always be some kind of busy? In that business I seem to have forgotten to focus on all the good in life. Worry set in. Stress took over.
As I sit here on this quiet Saturday morning I want to reflect on all the months that have gone by, but I want to finally look at all the blessings that God has given us. After spending months of what felt like treading water, I want to look deeper at the things really keeping me, us, afloat.
Thanksgiving & Christmas

Booming Business
I am thankful for the extra-long Christmas-season at work this year. The long days were tough on both me and Devin, but I am thankful that it did not last forever. I am thankful for the extra business at work because when we got hit with a really high tax bill this year Devin's bonus covered it perfectly, thanks to the long Christmas-season. Of course it was a bummer to spend that money on taxes instead of things we need (or paying debt), but at least we are not in debt to the IRS!
Friends in Far Away Places
I am thankful for airline miles that allowed us to visit Devin's childhood friends in Atlanta. I am thankful for their hospitality, laughter, and cute babies. I am thankful for the opportunity to see where my husband grew up and went to school.
Close Birthdays
I am thankful that Devin and my birthdays are so close together. In a time when money is tight it is a blessing to celebrate together!
I am thankful for Park Church. I am thankful that God lead us away from our former church. I am thankful for our Gospel Community (small group). We have both seen our faith deepen in amazing ways since our church change. We are blessed to be (almost) members of a church that is gospel-driven, scripture-based, and hipster-attended.
I am thankful for the support of family as I ventured into starting my own Thirty-One business. I am thankful for a great start the last couple months that allowed me to earn nearly ten bags for free to use for my business. I am thankful for the last minute orders this week that will allow me to go to the National Conference for FREE!
Health Insurance
Right now, this is a hard one to be thankful for, but I am thankful that we have it. I am thankful that it allows us to go to the doctor freely. I am thankful that we finally found GOOD doctors that listen to us and want to help. I am thankful that God provided the funds to pay for the first month.
I am thankful for Devin. It is easy to take marriage for granted, or to be frustrated about something he does. But I am thankful for him and who he is. I am thankful for his patience and his sense of humor. I am thankful for his love of football (soccer) and how it is helping him fall in love with Europe too. I am thankful for the times we pray before we fall asleep. I am thankful for how God uses him to refine me, bring my faults to light. I am thankful for how he loves me.
There is a lot that I do not want to be thankful for too, but I hope in time I will be able to look back and be thankful. When we feel like we are drowning in car payments and events on the calendar it is easy to get discouraged in all that is going on. My prayer is that in the coming months I will be able to look beyond the yucky stuff and see how God is working it together for his good. Even if all I can muster is "Thank you, God, that we are not hungry, we have a home, we have cars to drive, and clothes to wear."
"You'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse."
Phillippians 4:8 MSG
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28 ESV